Wednesday, September 26, 2007

As Engraved into the obsidian stone of Brünhaerdt's Tomb:

A world without gods
led by words without souls
Lives in the minds
Of all us fools

Monday, September 24, 2007

Old Nod Note

By Ian Bowden

Old Nod Note's next election vote was coming in the month of may
Nod's last hope was a six foot rope for each ballot gone astray
Old Nod's knights thought him none too bright and their votes wouldn't swing his way
Nod knows now no knights never knew Nod knew no knights never nay

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Wording Hour

By Ian Bowden

In the Wording Hour, so long and cold
The Wordsmith makes his rounds
He carries light his tomes of old
And brandishes his sounds

He forms and reforms in refrain
At forge that glows so bright
No ill his sentences contain
They float through air at night

Indescribable, the Wordsmith's work
For those not of his ilk
Ability in his hands doth lurk
To turn words into silk

No word known is beyond his grasp
No form beyond his power
A wordsmithing hammer in his clasp
He writes The Wording Hour